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Nutrition Information

Even before establishing his private practice, Dr. Feferman recognized the importance of positive nutrition in improving health. Since opening The Endocrinology Institute of Texas, a Registered Dietitian has been an integral part of the team, guiding patients towards optimal health. Lori has been collaborating with Dr. Feferman for over 20 years, and continues providing valuable support to the team

Nutrition is foundational to endocrine function.  Many conditions we treat improve more effectively with a partnership between lifestyle changes and traditional medicine.

We have chosen four principles of nutrition to guide our program

Nutrition is…


The scienc is there, the stories are there. Nutrition is powerful. Whether managing a disease, preventing a condition, or pursuing optimal wellness, nutrition is a vital component of the formula for success.


Like aiming arrows at a bull’s eye, nutrition can help us hit the mark. By examining labs, body composition, gut biome, and symptoms, we define and guide the appropriate diet tailored to your specific needs and desires. Your body has an amazing capacity for health, and intentional nutrition can help you hit the target.

 PersonaFruits and vegetablesl:

Growing evidence emphasizes the personal nature of nutrition and exercise; it cannot be a one-size-fits-all program. You need an individualized, guided, and iterative process that tailors the best fit for you. Your genetics, environment, stresses, hormones, gut biome, personality, personal values, and many other factors all contribute to shaping your unique and healthy lifestyle


They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same holds true for lifestyle habit changes. These changes take time; the more you practice, the better you become. Each degree of change sets you on a new course, a whole new trajectory. Small changes can lead to significant results if you remain consistent and trust the process. Remember, progress, not perfection, makes dietary and movement changes not only possible but also sustainable and effective.

With these foundational principles in mind, Lori takes time to get to know you and your goals and supports you along the way. She is contracted with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and American Specialty Health and also accepts cash payments. She is available for in-office, virtual, or in-home (travel fee applies) visits.iStock_000019228726_ExtraSmall

If you are feeling overwhelmed, know that you are not alone and we are here to help! Take the first step in your care journey by calling the office at 214-596-9302 or Lori at 214-641-9461 to make an appointment.